Who We Are?

Our Mission

Our approach is to design buildings, which are aspirational, but realistic so that they can be constructed, are technically feasible and remain commercially viable. Our design flair is unrestrained, but we ensure that each project is sensitive to its specific needs and objectives

our core values

Exceptional architecture is the product of great design and enlightened patronage. For this reason Simple Designs seek out clients who will enable us to do our best work. After just six years of practice, our projects have been consistently both evolutionary and revolutionary, building on tradition as well as creating prototypes for the future. Simple Design projects are ‘natural consequences’ using both meanings: in harmony with nature and relaxed and unaffected. Our work is integrated, wherever possible using one building component to solve more than one problem and it’s based on a process of dialogue and communication to ensure every scheme is well focused on delivering what each individual client needs.

Our Core Values

Simple Designs is committed to working as a team with the client at the forefront and develop a scheme which not only suits its location, but adds value to the area. The company combines high quality design with explicit purpose and commercial instinct. It has built a reputation for delivering quality design and personal service within demanding costs and programmes. The practice has grown on its reputation to bring in new projects and clients through referrals.